Saturday, December 20, 2014

Vidal Sassoon Salonist Permanent Hair Color

The Vidal Sassoon name has been around as long as I can remember. It has always represented smart, stylish design, from the man himself to the now readily available drugstore products we can buy at our local chain store. I was asked by Bzz Agent to try and review a new product from VS: Vidal Sassoon Salonist Hair Color. This product is a new style of hair color that is unlike any home coloring brand I have tried. I was impressed that this product looks, acts and is applied like salon hair color.

I chose my color on-line, and I will admit that when the box arrived I thought that the color was going to be too dark. I chose Medium Neutral Brown, and conventional coloring wisdom says that the color usually comes out a bit darker than what is shown. I have been coloring, highlighting, foiling and perming my hair forever, so I am no stranger to changing it up. However, I have using a Medium Blond shade for a while, and the color on the box looked like it would be a really big change. Since my roots were peeking out dark anyway (and showing gray) I decided to forge ahead in spite of the uncertainty. I really wanted to try this product!

I started with  a strand test although I usually skip this step. In fact, the directions don't specifically recommend it, but since the color was new to me and I was inexperienced with the shade I picked, I mixed the colorant and developer together (about 1 tsp of each - at least the math was easy since the product box contained two oz. of each solution.) The packaging of the product is first class - the kit includes an oval bowl with a lid since about 1/3 of the solution is used for the ends and 2/3 on the roots. While the roots are developing, the lid goes on and the product does not dry out. The kit also includes a "serum" which is added to the bowl for the lengths and ends step. The salon style application brush for the roots fits neatly into the lid, and the bowl also contained a beautiful,  4-color glossy page of instructions and black rubber gloves.

I mixed up my test product and brushed it on the root area of a strand of hair that would be somewhat hidden in my hairstyle, just in case things went horribly dark. In thirty minutes, I smoothed on the portion that I saved and gave it another 10 minutes. The instructions recommend applying the solution to the lengths and ends by hand, like a color stylist would do in a salon. When the 10 minutes were done, I rinsed and dried and checked out my color. Let me add at this point that I did not use any "serum" on the test strand. The serum is contained in a mylar packet that is added to the 1/3 part of the solution that will be used to smooth on the lengths and ends. I didn't use it at this point since I thought the correct proportion would be too hard to determine. Anyway, I loved the color!

Most hair coloring turns out as a product of the color you start with and the color you are adding, so it was much lighter than what was shown on the box. Awesome, I thought, and proceeded to mix half the colorant and half of the developer. I still didn't want to go all dark, so my plan was to color my roots and then sweep some low lights through the blond, hopefully resulting in a Jennifer Aniston mix of light brown and golden highlights. My hair was recently cut into a bob, so it is pretty short, and it is also fine. I just don't have a lot of hair, so using the full box seemed like it would be overkill. The thick consistency of the product is great - it doesn't drip or run all over the place like most hair coloring solutions.

It turned out my plan worked perfectly! I was really happy with the result -my  hair has nice shine and feels soft. As with most hair coloring kits, VS provides a deep conditioner to use once a week, which I love. I will note that I nearly forgot to put in the half packet of "serum" to the 1/3 solution that was left after covering my roots. I had already started applying color to sections of hair when I remembered, but the tardy application of the serum didn't seem to hurt the results. I know that most likely my color came out lighter than the color indicated on the box because I didn't do a standard full head application, but to me it's all about customizing the experience. I like creating my own look and I am really pleased with the finished effect. It covered my gray, and there are no sharp lines of demarcation - the various tones in my hair flow nicely. It doesn't look flat.

I think Vidal Sassoon is hitting it out of the park with this latest entry to their product line. I will be interested to know at what price point this product will be sold. It clearly is an upgrade from the simple boxes of inexpensive color lining the shelves and more like a salon experience at home.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

RSVP Endurance Grapefruit Double Knife

I recently bought an ingenious product and wanted to share my thoughts on it. It’s a grapefruit knife! Yeah, not very exciting at first glance, but it’s always a pleasure to discover an inexpensive kitchen gadget that actually works. I eat Texas Ruby Reds by the 20 pound bag during the months they are available, so there’s a lot of grapefruit filleting going on at my house this time of year. I saw this product at a local kitchen store and I’m so glad I bought it.

The knife is double sided - one side has a curved knife with big serrations for cutting around the interior perimeter of a grapefruit half. (My only quibble with this knife is that you pretty much need a second, regular knife to actually cut the grapefruit in half to begin with, but I get that it might be difficult to engineer a three side knife unless you get into Swiss Army knife territory.)  Anyway, once the fruit is separated from the pithy rind, the second side of the knife has a double blade to cut the fruit sections away from the membranes.  Ingenious! The two blades are very close together and slip over the membrane to separate the sections so they can be extracted as neat triangle shaped pieces. I find this way of eating grapefruit much less messy and more work friendly than cutting it in half and trying to dig out the sections with a grapefruit spoon, squirting juice in the process.

I see that this product is available on for $5.95 - well worth it!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Secret Outlast® Completely Clean Clear Gel

Just tried the new Secret Outlast Completely Clean clear gel, and it's a winner! Like many people, I have a favorite deodorant/anti-perspirant I buy regularly. It's one product I don't switch up much. I try to find it on sale and stock up - I find that Revlon Lady Mitchum gel works well for me and is completely dependable - I mean, who wants to be surprised by a deodorant failure? It's not something I want to ever worry about, so I usually stick with the tried and true. Failure hasn't been on my radar for quite some time since I discovered Lady Mitch. That being said, I definitely have to wait for it to dry before getting dressed, and I have had the dreaded white marks appear on clothing if not careful. Small prices to pay, for sure, when compared to the effectiveness of my usual product. I am a pretty active person, biking and running all summer long.

That being said, the Secret product I got for free to try from Bzz Agent is a nice alternative. It has effective protection, especially important when exercising. (The disclaimer part of that statement is that it's winter, not summer, so while the exercising continues, it's not ninety degrees and humid too.) I found that the gel goes on as sparingly as you want to apply it, due to the smallish area of the top that has pretty modestly sized holes. This cuts down on the chance of an accidental blob or thick coating which would be unnecessary and wasteful. The lid itself covers and snaps into place, keeping the product sealed. Nice packaging, and mess free. It already lives up to the "Clean" part of it's name.

The Secret is billed as drying extremely fast - I find that it does seem to dry a bit faster than the Lady Mitchum, but perhaps not the instant dry I expected. There is still a bit of waiting, but I have not noticed any white marks after getting dressed. So overall, I am happy with the performance of this product. I will plan on putting it to the test next summer, too.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Cover Girl + Olay

I just LOVE reviewing beauty products! I was the happy recipient of a set of Cover Girl + Olay collaboration: Facelift Effect Firming Make-up and De-Puffer Concealer courtesy of Bzz Agent recently, so I am excited to be asked for my opinion.

First, let me just admit that my fantasy ideal make-up product is indeed something that would reduce eye puffiness. I make an effort to avoid excess sodium and sleep on my back, but I still have the occasional eye puffiness. It would be great to have an effective treatment that produces visible results in say, the time it takes to get ready for work in the morning.

The Covergirl + Olay De-Puffer applicator has a metal tip, presumably for it's cooling effect. I have used other eye product applicators with a similar tip... it may contribute something to the overall de-puffing effect of the product, but on it's own, I don't think this feature would make a lot of difference. It's a nice cool feeling though, as it's gliding around the eye area.

The product that is dispensed goes on pretty thin and with a natural look. That is a good thing as far as I am concerned - I would rather have buildable coverage rather than a thick coating under my eyes that winds up looking cakey. The cool metal tip is not enough of a blender, however. A finger or make-up sponge is needed to smooth out the product and blend it into the skin. I liked this product a lot, even though I can't necessarily say it is the miracle I was looking for. It does help cool and cover, but I don't think it's going to hide the fact you watched a tear-jerker last night with a big bowl of salty popcorn.

I also tried the Covergirl + Olay Facelift Effect Firming Make-up. On its own, the make -up has great coverage and goes on with a mousse-like consistency. Not to say that it has a bubbly texture like mousse, but more like it has a thick consistency but light, not heavy feeling. I really liked the coverage results I got from this product and not a lot is needed for full coverage.

I will admit that had I seen this product on the shelf at the store I would not have tried it. I tend to dislike "pot" forms of products for the face. Whether it is make-up or moisturizer, I am always worried about introducing bacteria into the product container. Plus, this form of dispensing is always a little messy, and it is more difficult for me to control the amount of product used. Overall, though, the coverage is really nice and I felt like I was ready for a photo finish. Great products, both.

*A last note - being an animal lover, I tend to prefer to purchase products that are not tested on animals, but I have some confusion about which category these products are in. I belive Olay does test, but CoverGirl does not. I will update if/when I have a definitive answer.
#GotItFree #GetALift

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

L'Oreal Superior Preference Mousse Absolue

Anyone who colors their own hair most like yearns for a re-usable system of hair color delivery. Who hasn't colored their hair and then after the fact - sometimes the next day - noticed a spot of gray still peeking out, or a root that was missed? Oh, if only I had been able to save a little of the hair color solution to touch it up! I have never been brave enough to defy the package warning which admonishes you to throw out any unused mixture lest the container burst. The bottom line is if you miss a spot, you have to open a new package and mix a little color to fix it. But who buys multiple packages at a time? It's always been a bit of an issue.

Well, at last the dream of reusable hair color is a reality!

I was really excited to try this new product for the above reasons. I don't often have a missed spot, but it does happen occasionally. The product container design looks like the color and developer are housed in separate areas within, and mixed when the sprayer is activated. It comes out of the can in mousse form, which is then massaged into the roots and hair with gloved fingers. It is an ingenious method of delivery, partly because it sidesteps the whole drip problem of some hair colors. The canister is shipped with a regular cap which is swapped out for the spray nozzle for dispensing and can be replaced for storage. It is nice since if you just want to touch up one area or roots, you can dispense only what you need and keep the rest on hand for later.

So how about the color performance? The store where I purchased my Mousse Absolue did not have as deep a color selection as other L'Oreal products, but I was able to find a shade a little darker than what I usually use. The color delivered the usual L'Oreal quality, and comes with a large tube of after color conditioner. There's a reason that L'Oreal dominates the world of hair color, and innovations like this one are one reason. The only complaint I have with this wonderful product is that it  retailed around $15 - pricey compared to the sale price you can find for my other long time standby - Revlon Colorsilk, which can be had for a s little as 2 for $6. I could always open two boxes for the price of one Mousse, but this new hair color has a lot of glamour and slick new appeal.

Playtex Sport Fresh Balance

Wow, so what can you say about this product?  Playtex has been a favorite for a long time - ease of use and security being number one attributes in this product category. This version seems to have a redesigned applicator and according to the Playtex website, new technology. As always, it's a great product. I was given a sample to try from Influenster as part of the Go Vox Box active lifestyle emphasis. I am a runner, a biker and a kayaker - and it's summer. This puppy delivers - enough said!

@PlaytexSportandGentleGlide  @Influenster

Friday, June 6, 2014

Influenster GoVoxBox

Influenster GoVoxBox

I was recently the happy recipient of the Influenster "GoVoxBox" - a box filled with goodies to test and review for free. My box contained:

Playtex Sport Fresh Balance Gentle Glide
Vitamin Shoppe Next Step Fit N Full Protein Shake
Blue Diamond Blueberry Flavored Almonds
Profoot Triad Orthodic AND Profoot Pedi Rock
Aqua Spa Body Creme
Muller Yogurt Greek Corner coupon for a free product.

I am excited to see how all these products fit into my active lifestyle. I am a runner, kayaker and biker. I think I was most thrilled to see the Aqua Spa Lavender Chamomile Creme and the Profoot Pedi Rock, because I love beauty products! I have already started reviewing some of the items individually. Check back for more!

@Playtex_Sport #PlayOn
@VitaminShoppe #NextStep
@BlueDiamond #GetYourGoodGoing
@Profoot_Inc #GoProFoot
@AquaSpaBath #RelaxwithAquaSpa
@MullerQuaker / #MullerQuaker

Profoot Pedi-Rock

Oh Pedi Rock, where have you been all my life? I have to share my excitement about this foot care product. I was given the avocado-looking Profoot Pedi-Rock in my Influenster GoVoxBox - a box full of active living items to try and test, and I love it.

At its core, a review should really answer a pretty simple question: Does the product work as advertised? The answer in this case is YES.

The Pedi Rock is recommended for gently removing rough skin and calluses from the feet and can be used wet or dry. The thing that really makes this product different is the texture and shape of it - it feels like a rough sponge. Soft and squishy, yet sand-papery.  I love the ergonomic, easy to hang on to shape - it has a smooth shape with curves and depressions that make it easy to maneuver and hold on to. As someone who has struggled with hard pumice stones, it is a welcome relief. It rinses off for quick clean-up after the “sanding”. It will be interesting to note how long the Pedi Rock keeps its unique surface. In the meantime, I am enjoying smooth feet just in time for sandal weather.

@Profoot_Inc   #GoProFoot #GoVoxBox @Influenster

Smooth Moves

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Muller Greek Corner Yogurt

Just a quick review of Muller Greek Yogurt. I was the recipient of a coupon for a freebie from Influenster, so I bought it,  packed it up, went for a run, and sat next to the river to eat it and recover a bit later. (I am happy to note that the packaging survived the jostling it got) I often buy large tubs of plain Greek yogurt, which I sweeten with honey or fruit preserves, but this does the same thing in one convenient, portable package.

I tried the Greek Corner Blackberry & Raspberry flavor. The Greek yogurt part is separated from the berry compote by the packaging. It was thick and creamy and smooth - very satisfying. I liked the ability to control how much of the preserves I could add (or not) and that part was was sweetly delicious. Overall, a very tasty treat! I like to think that the protein shot got me back on my feet with a sugar energy burst to get me back on the road.

On to the nutritional content: 9g of protein vs. the 19g of sugar. Low sodium, only 75mg and 140 calories. Not too bad, although I wish the sugar content was lower. On the plus side, this product does not contain any high fructose corn syrup, which is a HUGE positive for me. Thanks, Influenster! I appreciate the introduction to this new tasty friend.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid

I remember reading a beauty book in the late 80's or early 90's that was unlike any other - it seemed to offer practical no nonsense advice, even mentioning common household products that could double as part of a commonsense beauty regimen. I always have remembered that book since I thought the name was great - “Blue Eyeshadow Should be Illegal” and the contents were memorable, seemingly born from the frustration of trying a myriad of products that didn’t deliver on their promises.  It gave me my first exposure to beauty skepticism - the message was that beauty products are typically not going to produce miracles, though there are some formulas and ingredients that are scientifically proven to improve appearance. The rest is all marketing and we WANT to believe it. 

Fast forward, and here I am trying a product from a beauty line created by that book’s author: Paula Begoun, “Cosmetics Cop”.  Turns out she is a nationally recognized consumer expert for the cosmetics industry and has written 20 books.  Her product line is called Paula’s Choice, and it is based on those same principles. From the Paula’s Choice website : “Our products are based on our unique combination of research, reviews, and results-driven product development. Finally, products that really work.”  I like her website, since it seems dedicated to matching people to the right products, even if they are not her own. One can find advice and reviews about a wide variety of products in various categories such as anti aging or sunscreen, and it is organized in a really easy to use way. I could spend hours just reading about products I have used and/or have gathering dust on a bathroom shelf...

On to the review! The product I am trying is Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Skin Perfecting Liquid. This product actually works, and while I have not seen a miracle I have definitely seen improvement.

From the marketing associated with the Paula’s Choice Bzz Agent campaign which sent me a full size product to try:

‘Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid is unlike any other product on the market. While there are many BHA (short for beta hydroxy acid) products available, formulating them at the pH level needed to penetrate pores is extremely difficult. This leave-on exfoliant:

•  Rapidly exfoliates the skin’s surface and inside the pore, reshaping the pore lining, unclogging pores and improving skin cell turnover rate
•  Effective for anti-aging, blackheads, enlarged pores, keratosis pilaris (red bumps on arms and legs), redness, rosacea, wrinkles and acne breakouts
•  Increases collagen production and drastically smooths the surface of skin
• Attacks blemish-causing bacteria at a faster and deeper rate
•  Fades discolorations caused by dark spots and acne marks
•  Effective for anti-aging, blackheads, enlarged pores, keratosis pilaris (red bumps on arms and legs), redness, rosacea, wrinkles and acne breakouts
•  Exfoliates to reveal smoother, firmer, younger-looking skin
•  Calms redness and builds collagen

That’s a ton of promises, but the first two are what I am really hoping for by using this product! (OK, I really would be totally happy just with less giant looking, unclogged pores...)

So how does one start a conversation about one's pores without it turning disgusting? Blackheads, whiteheads, big pores and the suggestion that they are filled with all kinds of bacteria and debris does not make for pleasant reading, so I won’t get into a lot of gruesome detail. Maybe it will suffice to say that I have been a lifelong acne sufferer and my pores are  not in the nicest shape... that is, until I started using the Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Liquid!

I like this product a lot. The recommended application is with a cotton ball or pad, but being naturally frugal that seems like a waste of the liquid which gets thrown out with the pad, so I apply it with clean fingers right after washing my face. It goes on smoothly and clings to the skin. It is a liquid rather than a lotion, so it goes on in a nice thin layer without any rubbing in. Dries quickly, so the rest of the day’s (or night’s) products can be applied. I think the bottle I received will go a long way and as beauty products go, the cost is very reasonable. Best of all, NO ANIMAL TESTING!! Hooray!

If I sound disappointed at all, it’s because I still do have many pores and blackheads, although I can see visible improvement. Perhaps I am not destined to be air-brushed-magazine-ad-pore-free, although I admit I was hoping! I think this product lives up to what Paula’s Choice seems to stand for in general - there are no miracles,  although there are products that do contribute to better, more beautiful skin. I also really like the whole Paula’s Choice website. The information there is really well organized and easy to find. Products are arranged by category in easy to compare table form, with columns for effectiveness, price and other factors. It’s  a great place to go for information in general, and I think the product line is of good quality and reasonably priced.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Burt's Bees Lip Products

The most fun reviews are for beauty products! I was thrilled to get samples of Burt's Bees lip products from Pop Sugar Sample Squad and eager to try the new formulas. I have been a Burt's Bees fan for a while - who doesn't like high quality, natural products, mostly free of scary chemicals? Best of all, NO animal testing! Perfect. I admit I am biased before I even start reviewing.

I received two kinds of lip product - Lip Shine in "Pucker" and Tinted Lip Balm in "Sweet Violet". Both are excellent choices.

The Lip Shine is a red looking gloss in a tube. Right away, I liked the lid that is tamper - proof. It has that breakable ring like on a milk jug, so you could tell if someone had used the product before you. That being said, it was also in a blister type package which may be a more recent development. (?) I remember seeing Burt's Bees products in my local health food co-op with very little in the way of packaging at all. The glosses would be stored in a free standing display with testers. I know Burt's Bees is carried in drugstore settings as well, so perhaps more packaging is needed. In any case, I was 100% confident the lip shine was unused...

It is dispensed with a slant tip top for gliding on the lips. I found the gloss to be a nice consistency - it is smooth and surprisingly not sticky. The ingredients for softening are apricot wax and sunflower seed oil.... yummy! It actually does have a nice, sweetish flavor and seems to last a while. It's the nature of the product that gloss shines like this are not typically long lasting and I re-apply often. The tube makes it very convenient for a pocket or purse.I was pleased that the red color was not too bright or heavily pigmented. It is a very sheer wash of color that seems just right.

The Tinted Lip Balm starts out in wonderful packaging that elevates the lowly lip balm (think Chap Stick on the gas station counter near the register) into a lovely gift to yourself. The package is a neat cardboard tube that shows the name and color against a dark background. I was excited just opening it up! Inside, the plastic tube is the universal lip balm tube, but no matter, the first impression has been made. The tube is a practical design that works and makes it easy to stick your balm in a pocket when you are heading out for a walk. The violet color was most likely not the one I would have chosen for myself, but I was pleasantly surprised that I could actually wear it. Like the Shine Gloss, it turns into a sheer color when applied.

This balm feels smooth and protective, not waxy. The moisturizing ingredient is Shea Butter, with lots of other botanicals in the signature Burt's Bees style. It is also available in 9 colors, more of which I am sure to try. I was happy that these formulas were also both free of shimmer- I like glitz, but sometimes gloss is better served plain. Some of them wind up looking too frosty for my taste. I was really happy to be able to try these products, and I was not disappointed - I still love Burt's Bees!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Fiber One® Meal Bars

 So let me start out by admitting I’m not really a cereal person in the morning. I would no sooner choose a granola bar as my breakfast of choice either. My breakfast food routine is more of the savory variety - peanut butter on toast, or the occasional egg-in-the-microwave between two halves of an english muffin with lots of pepper. I’m not sure if it’s the low blood sugar, but I don’t reach for something sweet in the morning, but rather a food that tastes and feels like protein. My worry about using a cookie or granola-like bar for a meal replacement is the fear that I will experience a huge spike in blood sugar , which leaves me painfully crashing in short order. I truly do limit my sweets, and l have learned not to eat such things on an empty stomach. Dessert is dessert for me, never eaten first like the saying goes. I understand that a lot of people can have donuts and coffee first thing in the morning - thus the “continental breakfast” - but I am not one of them.

With that disclaimer in place I will share my experience with Fiber One Meal Bars. I am a Bzz Agent and agreed to try the Fiber One Meal Bars in exchange for my honest opinion. I received two different flavors for free via Bzz Agent: Chocolate Peanut Butter and Strawberry Greek Yogurt.  One of my favorite things about these bars is that they really don’t taste too sweet. It’s not like eating a candy bar, more like a between a soft granola bar dipped in chocolate or yogurt. Very tasty, and they did not cause my blood sugar so surge madly then plummet. I enjoyed both flavors, too - it is really hard to choose a favorite between the two. I REALLY want to try the Dark Chocolate Almond flavor as well.

According to the label, these bars are pretty fair nutritionally. My Fooducate App gave the Chocolate Peanut Butter bar a “C”. Not ideal, but the comparable bars in this food category are rated between “B” & “D”, so it is not the worst by far. (Food bars typically don’t get “A” grades because they are highly sweetened). The biggest minus to this product is that it is a very processed food, which is not optimal if one is trying to eat "healthy".

The bottom line is this this bar is a delicious snack! I would probably not seriously try to replace a meal with this product, but it does contain a high amount of protein and fiber, which makes it a much better choice than a candy bar for an easy, portable pick-me-up on the go. I was pleased to note that the Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor also contains iron, calcium and vitamins A & C, which has WAY more value than a peanut butter cup. And finally, to really seal my rep as a "health nut" I also try to keep an eye on my sodium intake - ideal foods are 100 mg or less per serving. The bar is 180mg, which is actually still not bad in the grand scheme of things. It's really pretty difficult to find low sodium prepared foods in most categories.

Overall, I like this product a lot, although I would not consider it a health food - just “healthier” than candy. I am sure I am probably more critical than many others would be, but I take my "healthy eating" seriously.