Wednesday, December 17, 2014

RSVP Endurance Grapefruit Double Knife

I recently bought an ingenious product and wanted to share my thoughts on it. It’s a grapefruit knife! Yeah, not very exciting at first glance, but it’s always a pleasure to discover an inexpensive kitchen gadget that actually works. I eat Texas Ruby Reds by the 20 pound bag during the months they are available, so there’s a lot of grapefruit filleting going on at my house this time of year. I saw this product at a local kitchen store and I’m so glad I bought it.

The knife is double sided - one side has a curved knife with big serrations for cutting around the interior perimeter of a grapefruit half. (My only quibble with this knife is that you pretty much need a second, regular knife to actually cut the grapefruit in half to begin with, but I get that it might be difficult to engineer a three side knife unless you get into Swiss Army knife territory.)  Anyway, once the fruit is separated from the pithy rind, the second side of the knife has a double blade to cut the fruit sections away from the membranes.  Ingenious! The two blades are very close together and slip over the membrane to separate the sections so they can be extracted as neat triangle shaped pieces. I find this way of eating grapefruit much less messy and more work friendly than cutting it in half and trying to dig out the sections with a grapefruit spoon, squirting juice in the process.

I see that this product is available on for $5.95 - well worth it!

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