Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Luster Premium White

I really wanted to love this product! I mean, half the fun of being a Buzz Agent is tooting your horn about the cool stuff you've tried and going on about how great it is... I TRIED to love it. I used it for longer than the product recommends, at least 16 times rather than 12 applications. Still there I was after the cycle, not completely disappointed or anything, but a little "meh". To be fair, the Before / After photo doesn't really illustrate the subtle difference in whiteness that I gained form the experience, and my teeth weren't in terribly bad shape to begin with. When I look closely though, my teeth do have some yellowing which I would love to get rid of. I know people who, through artificial means or not, have beautiful white teeth and I want them for my VERY OWN. There's nothing like having a crown on a molar done and realizing that the match for the fake tooth is a disgusting shade of yellow, not white! My experience of using the product was fine - the directions were clear, complete and easy. There was even a secion of frequently asked questions which I also found to be helpful. I tried the 6 day course of treatment, using the products once in the morning and once at night (vs. the more time intensive consecutive repeat of the treatment 1-3 times over three days.) The process involves a 10 second swish with the mouth rinse that should coat the teeth with an "accelerator" for the whitening. Then, the gel from the "pen" is brushed onto the teeth to be whitened. (I think I would very loosely call the product "gel" - it was more liquidy than what I would characterize as gelatinous. It was easy to paint on, but dripped and ran - it didn't cling) The pamphlet instructs the user to to allow the gel to dry on the teeth for 30 seconds before allowing the lips to touch the tooth surfaces being whitened. (No small feat when the liquid is running off.) Oh, and the liquid did sting my gums, albeit temporarily.I think I did a tolerable job of following the instructions though. And Voila! whiter teeth! There is no rinsing, trays, strips, or appliances to mess with with. Once it's applied, just continue with your day. Obviously, one would avoid eating and/or drinking while the Luster White is doing its magic. And it DID work. It lightened and whitened. But not as much as I was hoping. The package I received as a Bzz Agent also included some Luster White toothpaste samples. This stuff is brilliant blue! The idea seems to be to give an instant whitening boost to the teeth by counteracting any yellow tones. I thought it was interesting - it did sort of leave a bluish tinge to the teeth (that only I noticed since I was looking for it - no one asked me if I had been imbibing blueberry Kool-Aid or anything) so it may well have delivered on the promise. I am not sure it actually made my teeth any whiter as far as polishing off stains or whatever, but must toothpastes don't really seem to make a difference in one use. I mostly use whitening pastes in the hope that it will help maintain whatever level of whiteness I have and counteract the coffee and other daily abuse. I guess the final verdict on the Luster Premium White is, yes, it does deliver a whiter smile. It is probably the case that the more dramatic whitening effects would happen for people who are starting out with a more pronounced yellowing. In any case, I am had a great time trying out the product and I am glad I had a chance to use it. It was just a little more work for not enough payoff for me to give it an enthusiastic two thumbs up.

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