Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dr. Scholl’s® Massaging Gel® Insoles

Virtually everyone knows what you mean when you say you are "Gellin'"... Dr. Scholl's has become known for their gel filled comfort insoles. I just had the opportunity to try them out through Bzz Agent. I thought I would give them a great all-day workout, since I have a standing workstation at work and sometimes spend 9-10 hours at my desk, mostly on my feet.

I inserted the Massaging Gel Insoles in a pair of admittedly flimsy canvas tennis shoes. These are not athletic shoes in any real sense of the word - rather picture the canvas "tennies" that kids used to wear in gym class back in the dark ages before Nikes and Air Jordans. No one in their right mind would wear these shoes for any kind of sports! Rather, they are a cute summery fashion statement with old fashioned rubber soles. I was wondering if the insoles would really improve the performance of these shoes and if they would stay IN the shoes - they are a backless slip-on style.

Well, yes and yes!

The first thing I noticed about the insoles was the color. They are a wonderful turquoise blue. They have the cooling appeal of a swimming pool. I personally think it might be nice to have a more colorless version available in case the insoles peek out of your shoes a bit. They might not be as noticeable. That being said, I think these insoles are really designed to be worn in shoes where they will not likely be seen.

The next thing I noted was how easy they were to trim to the size of your shoe. The insoles are clearly marked with easy to follow lines at the various shoe sizes the inserts would fit. Simply trim to your shoe size and voila! - perfectly sized insoles. Well, assuming your shoe is a true size.  Shoes do tend to be a bit more consistent as far as sizing - the women's clothing world contains wildly fluctuating sizes. One brand's size 8 is another brand's size 6 or even 4. My shoes seem to be pretty much a consistent size, though the instructions do note that you should try the insoles in the shoes before trimming. Good advice, since I think it makes it easier to estimate how much, if any, of the insoles should be trimmed off. Anyway, it worked well for me, and I was grateful for the markings. I like the flocked surface of the insoles so they wouldn't feel "sticky" if you weren't wearing socks.

The insoles proved to be comfortable, if a bit unnerving at first. There is a squishy movement to them that took a little getting used to for me. They did stay in my shoes very well, though, and they do provide an extra layer of cushioning between you and the hard surfaces of the floor. I think the Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles are great for shoes without a lot of cushion or support. Good work, Dr. Scholl's!

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