Monday, March 25, 2013

Dial® 7 Day Moisturizing Lotion

I had a chance recently to try Dial® 7 Day Moisturizing Lotion via Popsugar Sample Squad. A full size plastic bottle with pump dispenser arrived to sample, and I was excited to see if it was different or more effective than other lotions. The flavor I received was "Skin Therapy", which the label says
contains Himalayan pink salts which contain more than 80 trace minerals. 

According to
"Himalayan sea salt was formed after an ancient ocean dried up about 600 million years ago, in an ancient era before life as we know it today had appeared on earth. Himalayan salt is known for its healing properties and is used by health professionals, spas and individuals who are interested in utilizing natural products to heal the body and relax the mind. For centuries, salts have been used as folk remedies for a variety of health issues. Stimulating circulation, lowering blood pressure and removing toxins such as heavy metals from the body are just a few of the many benefits of Himalayan Salt.

I read a little about the Himalyan pink salts online and understand that it is a highly prized flavoring salt of foodies and chefs. It was interesting to me that Dial was using the salt as an ingredient in a topical moisturizer and advertising the benefits of the mineral composition for the skin. Intriguing! 

The first thing I noticed about the Dial lotion was the texture  - very nice! I like a lotion that goes on smoothly, without feeling greasy or not absorbing quickly. No worries there - the lotion was light and clean feeling, and spread easily. I will admit that the scent didn't really capture my imagination. It is very routine - I think it smells very typical. There is nothing about the scent that set it apart or made it seem the least bit exotic as the Himalayan salts would suggest. Light, but run of the mill

The ads for the lotion say it: "moisturizes and penetrates the skin while keeping it hydrated for up to seven days.... After two weeks of use, the lotion will absorb and deliver 7-days of moisture".

I liked this moisturizer, although I am not sure that I can say it kept my skin hydrated for 7 days as advertised. Since I use a moisturizer every day, it was really more important to me that the lotion goes on nicely and feels good - not heavy, greasy or non absorbing.  On those criteria, Dial 7 Day Moisturizer delivers.

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